About Danzan Ravjaa
Danzan Ravjaa (1803-1856) was a reincarnated buddhist master (the „Fifth Noyon Khutugt“) who lived in the Gobi desert near the town Sainshand.
To this day he is venerated throughout Mongolia as an accomplished yogi, as a healer, poet, social reformer and eccentric.
He loved women and vodka. He founded several monasteries and the first public school in this area as well as a museum and an opera house. He painted, wrote poetry, songs and the famous opera „Live Story of the Moon Cuckoo“, which is still being performed in today’s Mongolia. A defender of the nomads of the Gobi against the Manchu dynasty he eventually died after drinking poisoned vodka.

Danzan Ravjaa’s enormous legacy is still not fully appreciated in Mongolia and almost completely unknown in the West.
For more information about Danzan Ravjaa and his work please refer to link section of this site.
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